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Strong Sewing 1000kg 2 Ton Japan 002 005 Large Size FIBC PP Jumbo Bag Big Bag2022-10-10 17:30:34
Strong Sewing 1000kg 2 Ton Japan 002 005 Large Size FIBC PP Jumbo Bag Big Bag

How much does a big bag or FIBC bag cost? What is the price of a big bag or jumbo bag? I sent out an RFQ for big bags, how can suppliers give me pricing on the same specification and be so far apart? How can I make sure that I am getting a reasonable price on my big bag or FIBC?

If you are new to using big bags, or a long-time buyer looking for a new supplier, you probably like to check quotes from various vendors to get the best bang for your buck. Occasionally, two vendors will give you totally different prices for what seems to be the exact same product, but sometimes it’s not.

Prices can be inaccurate because your manufacturer is over constructing your bag or not providing components that might be useful for you. That’s why it’s important to be prepared with the specifications you need or work with a knowledgeable sales representative who can help determine which components of a bag best fit your needs. So, what specifications do you need to get an accurate price from your supplier? The below chart has each bag component detailed and answering each part will get you the exact bag you need: