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Hot sale PP big container agriculture bag for 1000 kg small 50 kg Woven Bags2022-10-10 17:30:34
Hot sale PP big container agriculture bag for 1000 kg small 50 kg Woven Bags

Here you can note that Polypropylene is the material almost all bulk bags are manufactured with, and this material typically represents 35% to 60% of the cost of a bulk bag or big bag subject to how complicated the construction of the bag. Labor and Overhead will make up the next biggest portion of a big bag cost structure with a percent range again dependent on the construction style, with a range of 40% to 65% of the cost on very complex bags. So the above list is a necessary part of the work.

Some companies are new to using bulk bags and don’t have answers for each specification, or may not know the weight or dimension of the bag they need. If you find yourself unsure of any component or just have questions, our team can help find the answers! Reach out to us with the product/filling materials and loading weight expectation for each bag, and we can do the suggestion for you. And free samples can be sent out for your testing before making a final decision.