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1500kg High Anti UV Woven FIBC Polypropylene Cement Plastic Rice Bulk Jumbo Big Bag2022-10-10 17:30:34
1500kg High Anti UV Woven FIBC Polypropylene Cement Plastic Rice Bulk Jumbo Big Bag

Here are some basic features for your consideration:

Types of Big Bags:
1.U-Panel construction – made from 2 pieces of fabric with 2 seams along 2 opposite sides
to create 2 panels into a “U” Panel shape.
2.Four panel bag (the original polypropylene design) – requires seams along four separate pieces of fabric
 sewn to create a four panel bag.
3.A Circular or Tubular bag made from fabric that has been woven into a cylinder or tube of fabric, cut to the
correct size. This tubular body design is ideal as a liner-less option for fine materials.
4.Form-stable or Baffled bags with corner baffles sewn in to maintain their shape when they are filled, allowing
the product material to flow into all corners of the bag.
5.Vented bags – A section of each side of the bag is vented to allow airflow throughout the contents of the bag, most suitable for use in the agriculture industry for fruit and vegetables such as potatoes.